Articles of Philosophical Nature

Claim: Marriage is not necessary to lead satisfied life

Claim. Marriage is not at all necessary to stay happy and contended in life. The reason being that, there are more essential or rudimental things than having a life partner. Most/ if not all of the things we do are temporary in the world. The reason why they don’t fit in the bigger picture is also addressed in this essay. We are born alone and will die alone. . Unless that our contribution is very fundamental here.  A satisfied life and one with internal peace and harmony is and should be the greatest asset of an individual. Not that I undervalue love and relationships – but it should not be the sole purpose of life.  For it makes Maya pertinent and pervade and manifest us. Detachment gets near impossible.

The ultimate purpose of life falls in one grand unified category even though it may not be the same for everyone. Although you might think it to be a mystery it is not so. Such a statement might also seem hard to justify. But it is not the case. Although it is a philosophical question but my affirmation is devoid of it. Please do consider that applied science/technology gets obsolete but true wisdom/knowledge stays with us or with the world forever. Truths in Mathematics/ Philosophy and the fundamental sciences remain eternal. Moreover people still try to embrace the lifestyle, works, methods of a person posthumously. History is very useful if one wants to not commit the mistakes/ learn from the effective learning style or even strategies of a person.

 What can we infer from this? Doesn’t it reduce to our character/mindset some might ask? I would say that we as humans always aberrate for we wouldn’t wish to stagnate in. (Ex- As a child and now the character/mindsets do drastically change)

That is if you value or like to achieve the highest amount of internal peace and satisfaction /coherence in thoughts (ie clarity of mind) and even freedom. If you think living a spiritual and non-materialistic life is better than the one with Maya/worldly attachment. You should think otherwise. A life of pain if you perceive it so is better than one with remorse.